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Drop-in: Searching for Systematic Reviews (ONLINE - MSTeams trial) Online

Attend this drop-in for King's College London staff and students if you would like to discuss your search strategy or database query with a librarian or have any questions about the advanced searching skills required when undertaking a systematic review.

The drop-in will be held on Microsoft Teams.

1) Please click the link below after the event has started.

2) You will be met by a librarian when you enter the space who will explain how we will split participants between breakout rooms. There may be several participants in each breakout room; we encourage listening to each others' enquiries whilst waiting to speak with a librarian.

3) You will have the option to use your mic, to turn your webcam on, and to share your screen. It will be most useful if you have access to a mic to speak to the librarian. You do not have to use your video if you would prefer not to.


Related LibGuide: Searching for Systematic Reviews & Evidence Synthesis by King's College London Libraries & Collections

Tuesday, May 14, 2024
13:00 - 14:00
Time Zone:
UK, Ireland, Lisbon Time (change)
This is an online event.
Event URL:
  Drop-in: Searching for Systematic Reviews