Event box

LIB229: Introductory Literature Review Workshop for Health & Clinical Sciences (IN-PERSON) In-Person

Course availability

Open to all. Places are limited and are on a first come, first served basis.


Target group

Students and staff from the Health and Clinical Faculties who require basic help, advice and support to improve their searching skills and knowledge when undertaking a literature review.

King's username and password required for hands-on element.


Overall aim

The aim of this workshop is to introduce you to basic literature searching skills and direct you towards key health-based resources.


Key areas

It is anticipated that key areas covered in the workshop will include:

  • Planning and designing an effective search strategy
  • Identifying key healthcare and multidisciplinary databases and their content e.g. Medline, Web of Science
  • Effective use of search techniques e.g. phrase searching, truncation
  • Locating and accessing full text articles


Preparatory work

We have created a suite of elearning material called KLaSS (King's Learning and Skills Service) to complement this session. Find it through your KEATS dashboard by searching for 'KLaSS - Finding Academic Material for Introductory Health Topics'.



This session will be delivered in-person in the Weston Education Centre (WEC 1.51).



If after registering for the workshop you find you are unable to attend please cancel your place using the link you were sent. This will allow other students to sign up for this popular workshop.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024
11:00 - 12:30
Time Zone:
UK, Ireland, Lisbon Time (change)
Room 1.51, WEC Library
Denmark Hill Campus
  LIB229: Introductory Literature Review Workshop for Health & Clinical Sciences  
Registration has closed.